Because you love pure closeness

Natural cosmetics for babies and toddlers. Naturally. From love

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Jetzt in Deiner Apotheke.

Natürliche Babypflege. Für ein gutes Gefühl.

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Natural. Fragrance free.

For the intense bond with your baby

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Developed by dermatologists

vujo Frischling - baby care based on the latest scientific findings

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your favorites

Baby Oil
Small Initial Equipment-Set in a bag
Baby Wash Gel & Shampoo

Certified natural cosmetics - naturally fragrance-free for the intensive bond with your baby

Pure closeness. From the very first moment, this is the basis for an intensive parent-child bond. The familiar scent plays an important role here. It helps your baby to orient itself, gives it security and safety. And for parents, too, there is nothing more beautiful than the scent of their own baby. Therefore, the requirements for the right care for your child are special: It has to gently cleanse and care for the baby‘s sensitive skin without masking the natural smell of your baby.

From dermatologists

Specially developed for sensitive baby skin

Developed in close cooperation with dermatologist Prof. Dr. med Markus Szeimies for the sensitive skin of babies, we have all our products manufactured in Germany under strict control, with a lot of love and just as much care - and of course dermatologically tested on sensitive skin. All vujo Frischling products are very well tolerated by sensitive baby skin!

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Known from

vujo Promise

All vujo Frischling products have been developed with dermatologists - naturally fragrance-free, alcohol-free and sensitive – for giving your baby's sensitive skin the best care possible.

The products only contain carefully selected ingredients and are free from allergenic substances. Dermatological tests by independent institutes confirm: All vujo Frischling products are very well tolerated by sensitive baby skin!

There is a good reason why our baby care products do not contain any perfumes or fragrances: the perfume-free formula preserves your baby's natural scent. For moments of real closeness and an intensive parent-child bond.

Community feedback


"Not only the @vujo.frischling products are great but also the brand behind them is recommendable: all products in sustainable packaging and codecheck safe."


"... the mouse had extremely skin problems in the beginning (neurodermatitis) and nothing helped except @vujo.frischling
My midwife at the time totally spoke for these products."


"Elli still has some milk crust on her head. We use the baby oil from @vujo.frischling ... without perfume ... and therefore super suitable".